NEW! Cryptocurrency giving

Donors can now give cryptocurrency to support a fund at the Quad Cities Community Foundation.

This is a great way to receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the cryptocurrency, avoid capital gains tax*, and support the causes and the community you care about. This new opportunity is fulfilled with the help of our secure online giving platform, Engiven, which accepts 40 different cryptocurrencies.

Donors from Iowa who give with cryptocurrency may also qualify for a 25% Endow Iowa Tax Credit when gifting to an Endow Iowa eligible endowment fund.

Giving cryptocurrency through the Community Foundation is simple:

  1. Enter the cryptocurrency type and amount you are donating.

  2. Fill out your contact information.

  3. Complete your donation.

  4. Upon receipt of the cryptocurrency, you will receive a receipt via email. A member of our team will also contact you so we can direct the donation to the fund of your choice and secure any additional documentation needed for the gift.

*Today, the IRS classifies cryptocurrency as noncash property. Additional documentation, including an appraisal, may be required before the donation can be completed. We encourage you to speak with your tax professional to learn more.