Grow a Nonprofit Fund 


Nonprofits can establish a Nonprofit Endowment Fund to support their work now—and forever. It is an outstanding way to ensure the long-term financial stability of your organization. Today, more than 150 funds have been established to support nonprofits in our region.

Your organization’s endowment fund provides essential stability and a permanent source of funding for the organization. Growing your endowment will grow the annual amount that flows to your organization while providing reliable, flexible funding.


Your organization’s endowment gifts are pooled with the Community Foundation’s assets. This practice allows for the benefits of diversification, mitigation of risk and lower fees. All assets are under the oversight of our experienced Board and Investment Committee.

Each year, a distribution is available for your nonprofit organization to meet your ever-changing needs, empowering your nonprofit organization for opportunities like enhancements of facilities and equipment, long-term planning, responding to unmet needs, or meeting an unexpected shortfall in normal operating support. Over time, with gains in market performance and additions to your fund, your distribution will grow as well.



All gifts to your nonprofit organization’s endowment are tax deductible to the full extent of both federal and state law. In addition, Iowa taxpayers may qualify for an Endow Iowa Tax Credit for 25% of the value of their gift. In addition, a Nonprofit Endowment Fund:

  • Increases giving opportunities for your donors by facilitating gift annuities, gifts of stock, real estate gifts, charitable remainder trusts, and other complex forms of gift arrangements.

  • Provides your organization a secure, permanent source of funds for the enrichment of programs and for the stability of your organization's services.

  • Eliminates costly and time-consuming audit and tax reporting requirements.

  • Improves investment opportunities and provides your organization access to the Community Foundation's staff expertise.


We can make it easy for you to start a fund that will leave an impact on your nonprofit—or one you proudly support—forever.

Anne Calder
Vice President of Development
(563) 326-2840 / email


My nonprofit has an endowment fund. Now what?

We are here for you! Our Development staff are pleased to meet with your key staff, board members, stakeholders and donors to help them understand the benefits your fund can provide for your organization and to teach them how to talk about giving to your endowment fund. We are also available to assist with complex gifts to your fund.

As a nonprofit endowment fund holder, you have access to special support opportunities and resources like our Nonprofit Endowment Building Toolkit developed to provide you with customizable templates, language, and other tools that will help make your case for endowment.