Gifting Farmland

You’ve tended the land.

You’ve grown from the ground up.

You’ve created a legacy.

The Quad Cities Community Foundation’s Farmland Retention Program allows you to carry that legacy forward, supporting the communities and causes closest to you. Gifts of farmland, crops, livestock, and other property are powerful ways to grow a legacy that yields an abundance of financial support for local charities.

How the program works

When you gift your property to the Community Foundation, your land can remain locally farmed and operated. The income from the farm can be used to directly support local charities in your community. The result is a sustained legacy of giving that will impact your community for generations to come.


The benefits

Making decisions now about the long-term plans for your property brings peace of mind. You will know that your land will be locally owned and locally farmed, and it will remain a valuable resource for your community.

Plus, gifts of property offer tax deductions based on the market value of the land, and donors are exempt from capital gains taxes. These financial advantages allow your giving to go further!

Gifts of farmland provide practical and personal benefits to the donor, keep farmland healthy and productive, and support the cultural and financial well-being of the surrounding community.

Where to start

To learn more about the program, contact Anne Calder, Community Foundation vice president of development ( / (563) 326-2840).