Profiles of Impact: the Al and Becky Zwilling Family Fund


Agriculture, education and youth organizations are the motivations for the Al and Becky Zwilling Family Acorn Fund. They want to support these causes into the future, because these things have both shaped who they are and made great differences in their lives and family.

Becky Lloyd and Al Zwilling both grew up on farms in Illinois. Becky completed her degree at South Dakota State University and Al at the University of Illinois. After graduation, both became employed by University of Illinois Extension to work with youth. Becky began work with the University on Al’s birthday and Al began his work with the University on Becky’s birthday over a month later. This commonality led to many other similar interests and eventually marriage.

What followed has been years of commitment to agriculture, education and youth organizations. Both have been long term volunteers and contributors to local schools, church, 4-H and FFA. Currently, they also run a small cattle operation and maintain full time jobs.

The Acorn Fund created at the Community Foundation provides the Zwilling’s the opportunity and flexibility to build an endowment over time, take tax advantages annually, all while continuing to support their two son’s college educations. Their sons, Jase and Clay will eventually become part of the Zwilling Family Fund and will make recommendations for grants that will support the causes they care most about.

Click here to start your own acorn fund at the Community Foundation.

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