Profiles of Impact: Separated by miles, never by heart -- The Sue Stolze Charitable Giving Fund
Today you can find her enjoying retirement in St. Louis, Missouri – but Sue Stolze is an Iowa girl at heart. Born and raised in Des Moines, Sue went to school, married, raised two sons, and pursued her career in Davenport. These roots inspired her to look north when deciding where to make a charitable gift.
“My frugal middle class background, good fortune, and sound advice along the way, led me to a comfortable retirement,” stated Sue. “I began to consider how much is ‘enough’ for my nest egg. There is a Bible story about a man who builds bigger and bigger barns to store all his goods. I could do that, or I could use some to help others.”
Guided by her financial advisors, Laura Swift and Scott Stoltenberg at the Quad Cities Investment Group, Sue worked with the Community Foundation to explore her charitable options.
Sue moved to the St. Louis area more than a decade ago to be near family, but her Quad Cities connections remain strong. In particular, she stays involved with Humility of Mary Housing, Inc. (HMHI) in Davenport. During her career as an educator, Sue worked with diverse populations of teenagers at public schools in the Quad Cities. HMHI served many teen mothers and children. “I loved their holistic approach,” recalled Sue. “They offered not just a place to stay, but also skill-building programs to help their clients succeed.”
After visiting with the Community Foundation about her interests and goals, Sue established two funds. The Sue Stolze Charitable Giving Fund, a Donor Advised Fund, is a way for Sue to organize her annual donations to various charities, including HMHI. She makes donations to her Fund, and then recommends grants to charities she selects – in the Quad Cities or elsewhere. The Sue Stolze Foundation Fund, is a permanent endowment that will ultimately provide an ongoing source of support for HMHI forever.
“My ponderings about my nest egg, and the needs of HMHI seemed like a match! And the Community Foundation is the matchmaker. All I know of the Humility Sisters makes me believe they will use my grants well to provide decent homes and support for families. That is better than having a bit bigger ‘barn’ for me.”
“I chose the Community Foundation to fulfill my philanthropic goals because I liked the idea of being part of a community effort, and my advisors encouraged me to contribute in this way,” explained Sue. “I’m getting much pleasure from my foray into philanthropy!”
Click here to learn more about starting your own fund at the Community Foundation.