Q2030 in Action: Embrace Race Luncheon introduces boys to business leaders

When the right people are at the table, a lot of good can come from a brief visit.

Davenport-based community organizer Tracy White hopes to accomplish a great deal over lunch Wednesday, Nov. 28, by connecting male business leaders in the region with African American boys.

Conversation during the 90-minute Embrace Race Luncheon will be guided to challenge participants’ perceptions and stereotypes as well as highlight their similarities and differences. Four professionals will join four students in grades 4-12 at each table, which costs $150 to reserve. As of Nov. 20, six of 12 tables remained open.

Proceeds from the event will benefit Well Suited, a nonprofit organization that aims to help close the opportunity and achievement gaps for African American boys and develop strong leaders in the Quad Cities.

“My boys need to be comfortable talking to everybody,” said White, who launched Well Suited in June 2016 with a black-tie event that linked 25 boys with positive male role models.

Well Suited primarily serves African American boys at Hayes Elementary School in Davenport. The school-based leadership club received a $1,600 grant last year from the Quad Cities Community Foundation because its vision aligns with the talent development and diversity and inclusion goals of the Q2030 regional action plan.

Involvement in the program, now in its third year at Hayes, deters disruptive behavior, absenteeism and tardiness, White said.

Melanie Jones