Pilcher: A foundation empowered by community


A name is a name is a name.

I don’t really believe that, and you probably don’t either. A name evokes reputation, image, memories and oftentimes history. There is power in a name.

That’s why I don’t consider the announcement last week that the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend is now the Quad Cities Community Foundation something to take lightly. The decision has come after great discernment by my fellow board members at the Community Foundation.

The Community Foundation’s name — and really, it’s work — has always been empowered by the thousands of donors, staff members, board members and community leaders who have poured their resources and sweat equity into ensuring this organization does its very best to inspire philanthropy in our region.

We were founded nearly 55 years ago as the Davenport Area Foundation. And while that mission is alive and well today, I doubt our founders could have fathomed its incredible growth and the number of lives it would impact in our community.

Over the past year, our board and staff have had candid conversations with donors about their hopes and dreams for the future of the Quad Cities. We listened and the message is clear: we want to be on this journey together.