First round of flood recovery money being distributed

from WQAD

People have not only donated their time to help those impacted by the months of flooding, with sandbagging and clean up, but with money as well. Starting June 6, 2019, the Quad Cities Community Foundation is passing out some of the money collected.

More than $120,000 has been raised so far, but for this first grant, they will only be passing out $25,000. All the money will be distributed overtime.

"It's going to help families work with a disaster case manager to access other resources that are available to them first, like FEMA, insurance, or other state and federal dollars.,” said Kelly Thompson, vice president of grantmaking and community initiatives at the Community Foundation. "There will certainty be gaps where money will not come in from those other resources and that's where the money from this will come in."

This money is available to those in Scott County and Rock Island County.

To receive the money, families in Rock Island County and Scott County can work with a disaster case manager at the American Red Cross, Project Now, and Community Action for Eastern Iowa. These case managers will help families utilize all government resources, but this money will be used to cover what isn't paid for by those services.

"Whatever those needs are that aren't getting met by other resources, these dollars can help people can access them," Thompson said. "These dollars will go to pay somebody's rent for the month they were out of their house. It might go to buy a new furnace or water heater. It could help to move a furnace or water heater so next time it doesn't flood again."

This money is for families and households that got hit hard by the flooding. There is a $1,000 cap per family. The fund is still open to donations. You can donate at the Quad Cities Community Foundation here.