Let's act, together

You're invited

We are holding a free Estate Planning Seminar at our office on Thursday, September 19. Please consider joining us to learn how you can enhance your finances, understand hidden taxes on retirement plan assets, and get recommendations on how charitable giving can help meet your planning goals. Get details and RSVP here, and download our free Planned Giving Guide here.


By Sherry Ristau / President & CEO

The list is long—there are literally hundreds of philanthropic ways you can give this year. And that’s not meant to be overwhelming. It’s meant to be inspiring.

Yes, the opportunities are endless. One of those ways to support your community forever is through a will or estate gift to an endowed fund at the Community Foundation. It is a meaningful way to ensure that the Quad Cities can be lifted up in perpetuity.

Legacy gifts have deep, meaningful impact because they honor the generosity and heart of you, the person giving, while becoming part of the lifeblood of your community—our home—by nurturing an area of opportunity or a need (like the recent flood recovery effort).

The Quad Cities Community Foundation understands that the vibrancy and health of a community is determined by a number of things; one of the greatest of those is the generosity of our community. That’s why we have the Quad Cities Community Impact Fund, from which we can make grants like $100,000 Transformation Grants to $1,000 Emergency Grants (and many, many more).

The Community Impact Fund is a powerful way to make a difference and provide for the most pressing needs and promising opportunities at any given time in the Quad Cities. When you give to this endowment fund at the Community Foundation, you are strengthening your community for the future, giving us the ability to step into the most exciting opportunities or the most vulnerable places in our community, at the most crucial times, and make a difference.

We’ve also rolled out a beautiful way to give to the community through our Field of Interest Funds. The funds—from arts to education, animals and the environment to basic human needs and more—are a way to connect your generosity to the areas you care most about and the nonprofits that make our region cool, creative, connected and prosperous. You can read more about them here.

It really matters when you leave a gift for the community through your will or estate, and I believe all of us can consider a percent of our estate to be left for the benefit of the community that you and I love. The way this community operates, and ultimately thrives, is supported by the foresight and kindness of community members who see the need, and act—for today and the future.