The work of community

There’s a good chance you witnessed last week’s attack on the Capitol—and America’s democratic process. There’s also a very good chance you’ve seen the pictures and videos coming out of Washington, D.C. this week, as our country prepares for the peaceful transfer of power—a bedrock of our democracy that has withstood the test of time.

Once again, we find ourselves in a position in which we cannot remain silent on the deep issues that divide our country including hate, inequity, white supremacy, and racism—obstructions that prevent our nation from fully living out our democratic principles for all. This isn’t about who you voted for or what party you identify most with. It is about values that hold communities, and America, together.

We believe the work of the Quad Cities Community Foundation is also the work of our community: the building up of a region that shares values of love, respect, inclusion, justice, generosity, equality, legacy, and yes, even transformation.

Please, affirm with us a commitment to build a bi-state region, and country that promotes these values and moves with action to positively transform the lives of people in our region.

Ted Stephens III