Give to the endowment fund of your choice and we’ll match your gift!

UPDATE! All the match funds have been claimed, and our endowment-building challenge is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who gave. Read more and see all the funds that received gifts here.

What could be better than making a gift to support your community? How about getting that gift matched for double the impact?

That’s right—we’re matching gifts to endowment funds at the Quad Cities Community Foundation dollar for dollar, up to $2,500 per household.

“With a combined $150,000 on the line, this is a simple but powerful expression of our belief that we can achieve more together than alone,” said Sue Hafkemeyer, president and CEO of the Community Foundation. “It’s one more way we lift up the causes donors care about to support them in making an even bigger impact.”  

And that’s why we made this an endowment-building challenge. Endowment funds are special financial funds that are invested to create steady, predictable charitable resources for generations to come. They are a critical resource for our community to respond to the most pressing needs and promising opportunities that lie ahead. Need a refresher on endowment? Read this

How does it work? It’s simple—all you have to do is make a gift to the endowment fund of your choice. Any endowment fund at the Community Foundation is eligible, no matter its purpose or focus. Keep in mind that only new gifts can be matched. That means gifts made from one existing Community Foundation fund to another are not eligible.

This opportunity is only available until we’ve exhausted the $75,000 in match funding we’ve designated from our Quad Cities Community Impact Fund, so don’t delay in making your gift!

“We’re extremely grateful to the donors whose gifts to the Community Impact Fund make this challenge possible,” said Hafkemeyer. “We can’t wait to see how their generosity spurs others to give and make an even bigger impact together.”

Remember that gifts of any size can make an impact—especially when your gift goes twice as far!

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