Bright Spots - 2023
Every year, we take a look back and collect just a few of the stories that shine a light on the amazing work done by Community Foundation donors, staff, and the organizations we partner with. 2023 was an amazing year. Read below to see how donors are driving change and creating real transformation in our region.

Launched the Quad Cities Center for Nonprofit Excellence, which will strengthen the nonprofit sector as a connector, capacity builder, and champion for regional nonprofits and philanthropy. This work is guided by a newly established Advisory Committee that represents diverse aspects of our sector and our community.
The Clean River Advisory Council was formed in partnership with the Walton Family Foundation’s Mississippi River Initiative, which has invested $637,000 over two years to launch the program. The council is supporting local projects through grants and will soon announce a guiding, community-informed Mississippi River Equity Vision for local waterways and river-adjacent neighborhoods. The first QC River Connections Grants were awarded in December - $250,000 to nine local organizations.
Community Foundation donors shared over $12M gifts and grants, established $8.2M in new estate commitments, and opened 35 new donor endowment and charitable funds to support the causes and communities they love most.
The Board of Directors selected the recipient of our 2024 Transformation Grant; the three-year, $300,000 grant to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center comes from the donor-driven Quad Cities Community Impact Fund and will support West End Revitalization efforts in Rock Island.
Compassionate donors contributed more than $325,000 to the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund to support people impacted by the Mississippi River flood in April and the 324 Main Street building collapse in May.
In March, we granted $50,000 from the Quad Cities Community Impact Fund to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council 10 in Davenport to plan and pilot the first-ever cohort of the Quad Cities Regional LIDERAMOS Leadership Development Program.
In August, the Board of Directors recommended a $50,000 grant to the River Bend Food Bank to leverage a $650,000 commitment from the John Deere Foundation to address food insecurity in the Quad Cities region.
Funds at the Community Foundation granted granted $9,700,000 to support great causes, and awarded over $550,000 in scholarships, thanks to the generosity of donors.
Welcomed feedback from over 200 donors, nonprofit leaders, and community members over four Strategic Listening Sessions in May, which informed our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan. The plan focuses on expanding and sustaining a strong, diverse donor base, advancing philanthropy programs, strengthening the capacity of our local nonprofit sector, and building a more equitable community.
To help Quad Citians craft legacies of community impact, we provided complimentary and confidential estate planning services through a strategic partnership with Thompson & Associates.
Donors contributed over $15,000 to support nonprofits through our online Giving Catalog, which empowers donors to create a collective impact by giving together.
Members of our Teens for Tomorrow youth philanthropy cohort worked with our development staff to invite gifts and raised a whopping $30,000 from generous community members. Combined with the program’s baseline grantmaking budget funded by the Herb and Arlene Elliott Endowment, they quadrupled the resources they could grant to nonprofits.
154 volunteers gave their time and talent in service to the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors and committees.
Welcomed five new staff members: Paul Tomkins, Vice President of Finance; Daisy Moran, Director of the Center for Nonprofit Excellence; Dorrie Murphy, Finance Assistant; Jenny Kitsis, Development Assistant; and Juanita Passno, Administrative Assistant for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence.
Jennie White, Grantmaking Assistant, graduated from the very first cohort of Generation Next, a new leadership program offered by the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce. The four sessions of the program – Community Engagement, Local Government, Board Service, and Get Involved – are designed to inspire young leaders to become more engaged with their communities.
Joscelyn Rowe, CFRE, Gift Advisor and Director of Engagement, was recognized as the 2023 Outstanding Fundraiser of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Quad Cities Chapter.
Russell Group, our building’s owner, remodeled our lobby in November to create an accessible entrance for our staff and guests.
We celebrated the arrival of two babies! Maisy May joined Accounting Specialist Maddi Haan’s family in July, and Leo Jude arrived in November to light up the holiday season for Kelly Thompson’s family (our VP of Grantmaking and Community Initiatives).