Why we advocate for you

by Sue Hafkemeyer, President and CEO

In June, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced the passing of historic legislation that will amplify philanthropy throughout the state. The Quad Cities Community Foundation was a strong advocate for this legislation, and I believe it will make a significant impact in our region.  

Advocacy at the local, state, and national levels has been a key part of our strategic vision, and we will continue to prioritize these efforts to develop and promote local philanthropy.

The Illinois Gives Tax Credit Act (“Illinois Gives”)—which incentivizes charitable giving to permanent endowments that are held by qualified community foundations—is a truly historic change in policy. The bill’s adoption will bring new opportunities for donors and its adoption demonstrates the belief our politicians have in the power of community foundations to drive local philanthropy. You can read more about the legislation—and why it matters to our state representatives—here.

Like all meaningful change, this legislation came about through hard work and collaboration. Our Community Foundation team has tirelessly advocated for this new policy. As part of the Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations (AICF) and together with the nonprofit association Forefront, our Vice President for Development, Anne Calder, testified before state representatives regarding the necessity of this legislation.

As a local community foundation, why do we prioritize advocacy at this level? 

We advocate because of our mission to transform our community through generosity. That means our donors must be energized, supported, and confident that their gifts are going to secure a strong future for the Quad Cities region. We will always put our name behind policies that recognize the generosity of individuals, ignite philanthropy in the region, and ensure that nonprofit organizations have the tools and support they need to carry out their missions.

Our strategic vision is guided by the goals of advancing our philanthropic programs by engaging a wide range of donors and strengthening the capacity of our nonprofit sector. Advocating for policy change is a step toward both. Along with AICF, we are members of the Iowa Council of Foundations, the national Council on Foundations, and other advocacy groups.

New policies that incentivize giving or lower thresholds can introduce entirely new audiences to the power of generosity and philanthropy. Policies impact nonprofits as well, and new avenues of giving empower those organizations to expand their services to the community.

As we celebrate this historic milestone, we also look forward. We will continue to champion our donors and the trusted nonprofits we partner with to transform our region. 

Will Van Camp