What are Grantmakers Looking For?

It’s a perennial question from grantseekers: what are grantmakers looking for in the applications they consider and the projects, programs, or organizations they fund? I asked it myself when I was a grantwriter, and now that I’m on the funding side I know the answer(s).

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Melanie JonesPolicy, Grant
What are Grantmakers Looking For?

It’s a perennial question from grantseekers: what are grantmakers looking for in the applications they consider and the projects, programs, or organizations they fund? I asked it myself when I was a grantwriter, and now that I’m on the funding side I know the answer(s).

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Melanie JonesGrant
Lessons from Greenville

I recently returned from a trip with 14 other local Quad Citizen leaders to Greenville, South Carolina, as part of CEOs for Cities. The Quad Cities Community Foundation made an investment in the opportunity last year because we recognized the strength in bringing together leaders from a cross-section of our community.

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