$100,000 in grants available

Quad Cities Community Foundation Announces Core Mission Grants

The Quad Cities Community Foundation is pleased to announce that $100,000 is currently available to grant to area nonprofits through their Core Mission Grant program.  These grants come from the Community Impact Fund, which allows the Community Foundation the flexibility to meet a wide range of community needs each year. 

Core Mission Grants transform the ability of nonprofit organizations to fulfill their missions through capacity building. Each year, $200,000 is granted to community projects through two granting cycles, with a maximum of $15,000 per grant. Nonprofit organizations located in Scott, Clinton, Washington, and Des Moines in Iowa, and Rock Island, Carroll, Whiteside, Henry, Knox, and Mercer in Illinois are eligible to apply.

“Core Mission grants build nonprofit capacity, improving the organization's effectiveness and ability to deliver services to the people who need them,” stated Susan Skora, President and CEO of the Community Foundation. “This grant program challenges nonprofit organizations to transform how they meet their missions and how they serve their constituents.”

Capacity-building projects such as strategic planning, board training and education, staff training, succession planning, collaborative work/partnerships with other agencies, critical equipment needs, and technology/software needs will be considered.

The spring Core Mission Grant cycle is now open, with Letters of Interest due to the Foundation for consideration by March 15, 2014 using the online grant application system.    Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2014 whether they will be invited to d to complete a full online application.  Full applications are reviewed and grants awarded in late June 2014. Please contact Kelly Thompson, the Foundation’s Director of Programs, at 563-326-2840 with any questions regarding the grant application process.

The Community Impact Fund is made possible by the generosity of the Community Foundation’s donors.  Please visit us online or call 563-326-2840 to inquire about donating to this fund. 

 The Quad Cities Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization that connects people who care with causes that matter. The Community Foundation meets the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations as established by the Council on Foundations (http://www.cof.org).