Foundation grants will fund restoration of colony building

Foundation grants will fund restoration of colony building

Bishop Hill

The Bishop Hill Heritage Association has received gifts of $20,000  from the Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation and $2,500 from the Quad Cities Community Foundation for the 1855 Dairy Building Interior  Restoration Project.  

The BHHA is restoring the interior of the historic building so it  can once again be used by the public. "We would like to thank the Barbro Osher  Foundation and the Community Foundation for their  generosity and for their assistance in preserving this Bishop Hill Colony  building for future generations," said Todd DeDecker, BHHA Administrator. 

"However," DeDecker said, "more funding is required for this  project.  If you would like to contribute, call (309) 927-3899 or e-mail

In addition, the BHHA has announced a gift of $500 from the Bill and  Susan Sherrard Foundation for educational programming. The foundation is  administered by Wells Fargo and the GIFT Foundation.

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Melanie JonesGrant