Stock gifts make great stocking stuffers


Appreciated assets make great gifts.

When you make a gift of your securities or bonds to the Quad Cities Community Foundation for your community, your personal or family fund or a nonprofit fund you care about, you benefit in the following ways:

  • You receive a charitable income tax deduction, often for the full fair market value of your gift. This translates into tax savings on your next income tax return!

  • If you make a gift, rather than sell your appreciated investment, you can avoid capital gains tax otherwise due.

  • Your gift may also help you avoid paying the healthcare tax on any net investment income.

  • Because you are making a gift of an asset, your gift will not adversely affect your cash flow.

  • Making gifts from your assets, instead of from your checkbook, may allow you to make a greater gift than you ever thought possible.

To make a gift of stock within the 2019 tax year we advise contacting our office early.

Stock transfers must be delivered to the Community Foundation’s receiving institution prior to 3 p.m. on December 30 to ensure they will be counted as 2019 gifts. Bank and servicer holidays can slow these processes down, so contact Anne Calder at (563) 326-2840 or as early as possible for assistance and transfer instructions.

Ted Stephens III