The work of community

Once again, we find ourselves in a position in which we cannot remain silent on the deep issues that divide our country including hate, inequity, white supremacy, and racism—obstructions that prevent our nation from fully living out our democratic principles for all.

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Ted Stephens III
Celebrating generosity: Two Rivers YMCA

Today, the Nourish Program provides between 1,500-2,100 meals per day (yes, per day!) to children in Rock Island County. “It’s a matter of a rising tide lifting all boats,” Jeff Cornelius says. “We can only succeed when we all come together.”

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Ted Stephens III
Celebrating generosity: Savor the beauty

Savoring the beauty was something John Willard and his wife Carol did throughout their life. They also spread goodness throughout the Quad Cities—in the stories John told while he and Carol were alive, and now, through a generous estate gift of about $3 million placed in the trusting hands of the Quad Cities Community Foundation.

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